How This Hidden Symbol in Da Vinci’s Most Controversial Painting Leads to Unlimited Abundance

Did you know that one of the smartest people to ever walk the planet…

Had a manifestation secret so powerful that he was prevented - by law - from sharing it?

But because he believed this manifestation secret was meant for EVERYONE…

He hid the clues for how to use it in his most important and controversial painting.

I’m talking about none other than Leonardo Da Vinci.


Modern scholars put his IQ as high as 220.

For comparison, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Elon Musk all have IQ’s in the 160 range.

That makes Da Vinci’s intelligence level a full 40% higher than the absolute smartest people of modern times.

And in this short presentation I’m going to reveal how Da Vinci’s hidden code…

Is the one key you need to unlock an unlimited flow of abundance from the universe…

Without any effort on your part.

Because Leonardo Da Vinci was the only person in the universe able to solve an ancient manifestation puzzle…

Then hide it in plain sight - so anyone could use it.

Obviously, we all know about Da Vinci’s most famous artwork … Like The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and his drawing of the Vitruvian Man.

But in just a minute you’ll see why his stratospheric intelligence in math, science and music…

Helped pave the way for every-day people like you and me… To manifest unlimited abundance into our lives effortlessly.

You see, what almost no one knows is that Da Vicni took a secret trip to Egypt back in the 1400s.

The trip was sponsored by European royalty.


They believed the ancient Egyptians hid a manifestation secret inside the great pyramids.

And Da Vinci was the only human being intelligent enough to crack this ancient Egyptian “code.”

And crack it he did.

As you’ll see, once he returned to Italy with the answer…

This is the one secret that fueled all the crazy abundance of The Renaissance.

But his patrons, the European Elites… Wanted to keep this secret to themselves.

Which should surprise no one.

But since Da Vinci was literally “the smartest man in the room”...

He was able to replicate this manifestation code - then hide it in his single most important painting.

It’s called The Salvator Mundi…


AKA, “The Savior of the World.”

It’s Da Vinci’s depiction of Jesus Christ.

But it’s oh so much more than a mere painting.

Da Vinci explained how to use this most ancient and powerful manifestation secret…

By encoding it into the painting.

And the good news is this:

You don't have to be royalty or a genius to use it.


You just need the decryption key.

And in just a minute, I’ll be sharing it with you in this exclusive presentation.

Because any human alive today can use this manifestation secret to put this flow of abundance on autopilot.

What Da Vinci discovered from the Egyptian pyramids revealed that each and every one of us is born with the ability to manifest unlimited abundance…

With ZERO effort on your part.

And in this short presentation, you’ll discover how this one manifestation secret uses the universe-given power sitting inside you right at this very moment.

Which is even better news - because it means you don't have to go searching for abundance from some external source!

just have to “connect it” with the universe.

And the sooner you do, the better.

Because for the first time in your life you’ll experience a life of true freedom.

One that comes with the peace of mind and security that only unlimited abundance from the universe can bring.

And while I understand that may sound a little too good to be true…

Make sure you stick around to the end of this short presentation today.

Because once you see the truth about the Salvador Mundi secret…

(Including why a Saudi prince bought it for a record $450,312,500 and then made it disappear from the public.)

You’ll know that modern science is now proving what the ancient Egyptians knew centuries ago…

That we are capable of manifesting unlimited abundance from the universe.

Which means from the moment this presentation ends, your life will NEVER be the same.

Allow me to introduce myself…

Hi, my name is Mike Barton.

And let’s be honest here…

The fact that I’m here sharing this life-changing message with you right now…

Is proof positive that the Universe does in fact perform miracles in our lives.

You see, I’m nobody special.

In fact, most of my life has been underwhelming…

A big fat “disappointment” to my family.

Hell, my wife even called me a “failure” and “loser”.

You’ll see why in just a minute.

See, I’m a college dropout with 6-figures of student debt.


After I had to quit school, I got started in the IT department at the University of Notre Dame.

One thing led to another, and next thing I knew, I’d been in that unspectacular job for a decade.

I had to fight tooth and nail for my “cost of living” pay increases.

And I never got a promotion or even a Christmas bonus.

I trudged to work every day under the crushing weight of my student debt…

Which never got any smaller.

It felt like I was going through life with a piano strapped to my back.

Meanwhile, my marriage to my highschool sweetheart became strained and distant.

We had two kids right after getting married.

We had the “perfect” little American family.

At least that’s what it looked like from the outside.

But going to school full-time AND supporting my “perfect” family…

Eventually became too much.

I got burned out and was forced to drop out of the prestigious engineering program I’d started.

So instead of raising my family on a nice engineer’s salary like we planned…

I ended up barely scraping by with my university IT job.


If you’ve ever had to live paycheck to paycheck…

Where you’re never able to get ahead…

Then you know it’s a rough way to live long-term.

It took a toll on my marriage, my mental health, and pretty much every aspect of my life.

But as a husband and father, I soldiered on, trying to make it work.

Because that’s what you do, right?

But no matter how hard I worked to get ahead in life…

Something always came up to keep me broke.

Maybe you can relate.

An unexpected medical bill here, a random car repair there.

The hits never stopped coming.

I felt like someone had my voodoo doll, torturing me with setbacks every time I started to get ahead.


I was exhausted and worn out all the time.

I could never catch a break no matter how hard I tried.

Things finally came to a head, one stormy June afternoon.

See, we hadn't gone on a real vacation in over 5 years.

My wife and kids were always talking about the vacations their friends took.

So I drove Uber and Instacart on nights and weekends.

I was committed to doing whatever it took so we could all go to Disney World - a lifelong dream for all of us.

And when I’d finally saved enough money, I felt like I was floating on air.

I can remember that Friday in June like it was yesterday.

I came home from work and announced to my wife and two young kids that we were going to go to Disney World that summer.


We danced and screamed in the living room.

My daughter started belting out the theme from “Frozen”, using her hairbrush as a microphone…

And then my son broke into “Hakuna Matata.”

It was glorious.

I hadn’t felt this good - this proud - in forever.

But then, just like always, “life” showed up to burst that bubble.


You see, during the COVID years the U.S. government started a program to relieve student loan debt.

The deal was you didn't have to make any payments.

And the lenders couldn't legally charge you any interest during those challenging times.

But the government suddenly ended this loan forgiveness program…

And the bank that held my loan sent a letter demanding their money… Or I was going to collections.


When I looked into it, I guess I filled out some of the paperwork wrong…

So I was never actually eligible for the student loan forgiveness program in the first place.

Legally, I was on the hook for all those back payments, plus the interest…

All for an education I was never even able to use.

As it turns out, the $6,200 I had saved up for our Disney vacation…

Was the exact amount I needed to get my creditors off our backs.

It was a total gut punch.

I felt like I was going to throw up.

My hands felt sweaty and clammy, and I started shaking uncontrollably.

I felt so helpless, betrayed, and alone…

Like I was the biggest failure on God’s green earth.

But nothing prepared me for when I had to break the news to my wife and kids.

When I told them we had no choice but to cancel the trip…

They were devastated.

My kids starting wailing, tears streaming down their cheeks.


My wife just turned her back on me, her shoulders shaking as she wept.

But then, she turned back towards me… Her tears had turned into pure rage.

And boy, did she let me have it.


She said I was nothing but a string of broken promises…

That I was a sorry excuse of a man…

That I was an embarrassment and a failure…

And that she was tired of waiting around for me to get my life together.

She said that our kids deserved better - that she deserved better.

And that my latest failure was the final straw.

She stormed out of the room, started packing up, and took the kids to her parents house down in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

I mean we’d had our share of fights over the years, but this was different.

The worst part is that she was right: they DID deserve better.

I felt like a pathetic excuse of a man who couldn't even provide a decent life for my family.

I sat in my empty living room, and just cried.


I felt so broken.

And that was rock bottom for me.

I didn't know what to do.

I wanted to win my family back, but that seemed impossible.

Getting rid of my student debt felt like climbing Mt. Everest.

I’d tried everything to get ahead, and yet we always stayed broke.

I’d even tried following guys like Tony Robbins and other “self-help” gurus…

But it always felt like two steps forward - FIVE steps back.

If you’ve been there, then you know how demoralizing it can be to work your ass off, but never catch a break.

Not wanting to be alone in my house…

I went down to my favorite Italian restaurant down by the University.

It’s the type of place with old-world plaster walls, red checked table cloths, and authentic Italian cuisine…

And the best red wine in town.


A colleague of mine worked there and hooked me up with free drinks, so it was an obvious choice.

I ended up up sitting in a booth under a speaker blasting classics from Frank Sinatra and the like.

The salt was moving around because of the different vibrations of the music.

It was forming strange geometric patterns - all on its own.

(I’ll tell you why this important in just a minute.)

I got lost in this trance, watching these crazy salt patterns take shape…

When a waiter came and asked if needed another drink.

But it was a new waiter I’d never seen before.

He was an older guy with the type of eyes that always seemed to be smiling at you.

He told me his name was Francis...

We struck up a conversation and I immediately found him easy to talk to.

But little did I know just how special of a waiter this man was…

Because if it weren't for Francis’ crazy past…

I wouldn't be here sharing this life-changing message with you today.


Next thing I knew I was 6 drinks deep, telling Francis my whole life story…

I stopped just short of sharing that day’s traumatic events.

But then he asked me why I was there at the restaurant that night instead of at home with my family.

And I don’t know whether it was the drinks or those warm, smiling eyes…

But I couldn’t hold my grief any longer.

I just burst into tears and spilled my guts to him…

Right in the middle of this Italian restaurant with red checked table cloths and Sinatra.

I told him everything about how I broke my to my family…

How my wife finally had enough and left me.

At first I felt a bit embarrassed to break down in front of a complete stranger…

But it felt good to get that weight off my chest.

But then, when I looked up, his eyes weren’t smiling anymore.

There was something else: sadness and empathy were shining through.

And then he said something that completely caught me off guard.

“Come with me to the back room, I have something to tell you,” he said in a hushed whisper.

When we got back in private, Francis’ demeanor changed completely.

He got this serious look on his face.

His eyes turned wild as if he were about to share the secrets of the universe with me…

Which he kinda did, as you're about to see.

Francis told me that my story struck a chord with him.

He shared how his wife left him 20 years ago.

He couldn't provide the kind of life they deserved, either.

So he missed out on “being there” while his children grew up…

A devastating and painful reality that he lived with every single day.

And while I certainly appreciated the empathy…

I couldn't help but wonder…

Why was he telling me this?

And that’s when he launched into the wildest, most incredible story I’ve ever heard in my life.

Francis told me that for most of his adult life he was a private bartender.

Somehow, he got a referral to work private parties for some the world’s wealthiest people.

And as you might imagine, he saw some wild stuff along the way.

But one incident in particular changed everything.

Francis told me that one night, he was bartending at a private party in Geneva, Switzerland.

While he was used to being around wealth and power at these private parties…

This one - well, it was different.

These weren't your run-of-the-mill rich people.

They were richest of the rich and the most powerful 1% of 1% on the planet.

The secret moguls who really run things.

Now I’m not gonna name drop here because I don’t want to cause any trouble or get this page removed from the internet…

But this party had multi-billionaires, world leaders, and Saudi Royal Princes attending.

Francis was taken aback by the level of wealth and power at this private party.

And all these folks were there to talk about one thing: ART.

They were all discussing just one very controversial and mysterious painting from 500 years ago.

A painting by none other than Leonardo Da Vinci.

Now, we all know about the Mona Lisa, Da Vinci’s most famous piece of art.

But there’s another painting that’s become even more important.

You’ll see why in just a minute.

This painting is called… The Salvator Mundi.

It’s Da Vinci’s depiction of Jesus Christ.

If that sounds familiar, you might have seen a popular news story about it a few years back.

So, back in 2017 a Saudi prince bought the painting for a record breaking $450 million!!

At the time, the painting was supposedly headed for an art museum in the middle east…

However, after the auction, it’s never been seen again.

The Saudi prince who broke records to buy it, quickly “disappeared it.”

And to this day - no one knows where it is.

Now if you're like me, you're probably wondering why a Muslim would buy a painting of Christ and hide it from the world.

I promise you’ll know the answer by the end of this short presentation.

It was on this night that Francis saw something he wasn't supposed to see…

Heard something he wasn’t supposed to hear.

Because that night, one billionaire who had one too many drinks…

Shared a little too much info with Francis.

You see, the Salvator Mundi isn't just an extraordinary painting by one of the world’s greatest artists.

The billionaire claimed that it actually contains a secret code…

A code that reveals the world’s oldest and greatest manifestation secret.

And if used properly, this code enables any human in the universe to manifest unlimited abundance in to their lives…

With ZERO effort.

It’s That powerful

The drunk billionaire continued to ramble…

“And that’s the REAL reason the Saudi prince bought it for $450 million!

Because if this secret got out to the general public…

All hell would break loose.”

I’m sure my face was full of doubt and skepticism.

But then Francis gave me this example.

He told me that since 2020, a total of $42 trillion in new wealth has been created.

But get this: $26 trillion of that has been snatched up by the top 1% of the ultra-rich.

That’s 63%!

Some have called it the greatest wealth transfer in world history.

So in the end, it looks like someone from the top Elite 1% spent $450 million on the Salvator Mundi…

Simply to protect the trillions and trillions of dollars they keep raking in each year.

Because again, if this powerful manifestation secret was available to the public, they couldn't control the world’s wealth anymore.

In their eyes, $450 million is a small price to pay to hide this manifestation secret from the rest of the world.

It became easy to see why a Muslim would buy a painting of Christ…and then make it disappear.

But what I didn't understand was how a complete manifestation code could be embedded in a piece of art.

But that’s where the “loose lips” comes into play.

Because Franics overheard a conversation that explained the code while serving cocktails at this secret party.

So we all know who Leonardo Da Vicni is.

He’s legendary for his contributions to art, math, and science during the Renaissance.

In fact, experts estimate his IQ was as high as 220.

For comparison, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Elon Musk all have IQ’s in the 160 range!

And it’s well known that Da Vinci encrypted secret codes in his art…

Almost all based on “sacred geometry.”

The Vitruvian Man…

Like in Mona Lisa’s eyes

And especially in The Last Supper.

Like in Mona Lisa’s eyes

The Vitruvian Man…

And especially in The Last Supper.

Da Vinci was always encoding “Sacred Geometry” into his paintings.

But what’s been kept secret for the last 500 years is that Da Vinci had done secret research into the world’s most ancient manifestation secret.

In fact, he even took a secret trip to Egypt back in the 1400s.

There he spent a significant amount of time inside the great pyramid of Giza.

Which is where Da Vinci learned about this manifestation secret.

(More on that in just a minute.)

That part isn't too surprising when you think about it.

If you're anything like me, you've always suspected that ancient Egypt and the great pyramids held the secrets to the universe.

And as it turns out, you and I were right.

Because that’s exactly why Da Vinci spent so much time there (in secret).

See, everyone focuses on the mystery of “HOW” the pyramids were built.

But Da Vinci knew the more important question was “WHY” the pyramids were built.

You see, the very construction of the mysterious Great Pyramids is a code in itself.

But the code was hidden in plain view for thousands of years.

It was Leanrdo Da Vinci who finally found and deciphered this “hidden” code.

And it has everything to do with something we now call “Resonance Frequency.”

This is something I’d heard of as an engineering student, but never imagined that it holds the key to the world's most powerful manifestation secret.

Da Vinci's unmatched expertise in Art, Math, Music and Science allowed him to see how “Resonance Frequency” was programmed into the “WHY” of the pyramids.

That’s because the ancient Egyptians had understood this frequency on a deep level - for thousands of years.

They knew we’re ALL born with the ability to tap into the abundance of the universe.

And they knew the way to do that was to elevate your personal vibration - but not in the way you’ve ever heard of before.

And get this: it’s easier than you’ve been led to believe.

Now, you probably already know that everything (and everyone) has their own vibration.

But what you’ve probably never heard is how to elevate your vibration until you reach your “Resonance Frequency.”

That’s where something or someone reaches its highest and purest frequency.

That’s what happens if you’ve ever watched a singer break a glass by singing…

It’s because they were able to match the exact “Resonance Frequency” of the that particular glass…

The Egyptians figured out that when a person reaches their Resonance Frequency…

It’s like they “explode” with abundance.

But so many of us are stuck at a low vibrational state.

That was me - for decades.

I could FEEL there was something more to life than I was experiencing…

But I could never reach it.

And maybe you’ve felt the same thing, too.

Like you’re stuck, striving for something higher, but it’s always out of reach.

Now, we’ve all been told it’s as simple as “raising your vibration.”

I tried to do that. Maybe you have, too.

I took courses, followed gurus and read tons of books about doing that very thing.

But it never worked for me, and the problem is, even if you do manage to “raise your vibration” - it goes away just as fast. You’ll see why in just a minute

Now, like I said, the Egyptians knew that everysingle person was BORN with everything they need already INSIDE them to reach their Resonance Frequency - and manifest abundance.

But there’s just one thing standing in the way.

It’s called frequency pollution.

It prevents you from raising your vibration.

And right now, it’s harder than ever in history to actually raise your vibration and reach your Resonance Frequency.

Modern times is bombarding us with all kinds of new layers of frequency pollution.

Think about how we’re surrounded with radio and television frequencies flying through the air..

There are WIFI internet signals everywhere we go…

Then there’s the growing number of satellites orbiting our planet pelting the earth with even more frequencies..

5G is taking over the globe and there’s Bluetooth devices everywhere.

And that’s not even mentioning our smartphones which are always within arm’s reach - 24/7.

All that frequency pollution has scrambled your innate ability to reach Resonance Frequency.

This is the one reason why nobody can seem to manifest any abundance these days.

But the ancient Egyptians knew a secret that’s been hidden from the public for thousands of years…

A secret that empowers ANYONE to reach their resonance frequency effortlessly.

The crazy part is that modern science is now proving that the ancient Egyptians knew far more than we could've ever imagined about how to break through to abundance.

You see they knew a key aspect that everyone was missing.

It all revolves around one specific organ in our body.

Our heart.

Recent studies have shown that our hearts have some of the strongest vibrational frequencies on the planet.

Why is this important?

Because it’s our HEARTS that are most responsible for our personal vibration.

Scientists recently confirmed that our heart actually sends electrical signals to our brain.

This is a complete shocker because until just recently…

Scientists always thought it was our brains sending signals to our heart - not the other way around.

In fact, they even named this phenomenon the “heart-brain coherence”.

Somehow, the ancient Egyptians already knew this.

So they put two-and-two together and realized you have to focus on your heart to unlock the Resonance Frequency of abundance.

Again, this is something that’s already INSIDE you.

It’s just blocked because of frequency pollution.

This is a huge breakthrough because for most of human history people have focused on their brain frequencies.

Which is why most people can’t manifest abundance.

It’s the same reason why the “law of attraction” and affirmations don't work.

They’re always telling you there’s something new you have to “learn”.

And it was Da Vinci who figured out how the ancient Egyptians used specific sound frequencies to target the heart.

Using the sacred geometry of the pyramids…

These frequencies empower anyone to reach the Resonance Frequency of abundance - effortlessly.

Because there’s nothing your “brain” has to learn or remember.

Don’t forget: it’s your heart frequency that controls your brain - not the other way around.

And the Egyptians had discovered how one specific sound frequency was powerful enough to literally elevate your heart to reach your Resonance Frequency.

Automatically. Now, I gotta admit that sounded kinda crazy to me..

But then I remembered from history class how the ancient Greeks would prescribe music as medicine…

But then I remembered from history class how the ancient Greeks would prescribe music as medicine…

And how even modern medicine utilizes frequencies all the time to heal.

And suddenly, that made a whole lot more sense to me.

But here’s the most mind-blowing part of all.

The reason the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids in the first place… Was to hide the secrets of the universe in plain sight.

Because the great pyramids contain secret codes that only a very special few were trained to know how to decipher.

But Da Vinci, being the scientific and musical genius that he was, was able to find, and decipher the codes all on his own.

That’s because he didn’t focus on HOW they built the pyramids.

He focused on WHY they built them.

And what he discovered is that the very construction of the pyramids holds the key to the world's most powerful manifestation secret.

You see the angles of the pyramid are at a VERY specific angle.

51.843 degrees to be exact.

That number is part of an equation that reveals how to reach your Resonance Frequency.

But the Egyptian Elite kept this secret for themselves.

Then, after the fall of the Egyptian Empire, this secret passed out of memory…

And it stayed a mystery for 1,808 years - until Leonardo Da Vinci uncovered it around 1477.

It should be clear enough by now that after Da Vinci uncovered this secret…

It became the one secret that unleashed the abundance of the Renaissance.

But since all of Da Vinci’s work was funded by European royalty…

Who were now reaping the abundance of this secret…

He couldn’t broadcast it to the common man.

This manifestation secret was again hoarded by the elites.

Surprise, surprise, right?

But Da Vinci found a way to encode this secret…

Into the Salvator Mundi…

Just like the Egyptians encoded it into the pyramids.

Francis told me he had written down a specific number he’d overheard at the billionaire's party that one night.

Which sounded to me like we were on track to finding the “abundance frequency” for our hearts…

When Francis was done telling me this incredible story, I felt a sense of hope.

Maybe I could turn things around.

That’s when Francis told me there was just one problem.

The billionaires at the party kept talking about combining two separate frequencies to create the magic.

(It’s part of the math equation devised by the ancient Egyptians.)

The two frequencies represent the Alpha which represents “the beginning”…

add the Omega, which represents “the end”.

But Francis only had one frequency written down.

And he had no idea what the 2nd frequency was.

At that point I felt like someone let all the air out of the room.

And just like that, everything felt hopeless again.

I was pretty drunk at that point so I told Franics I needed to just go home.

We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet up another time.

The next day he sent me a text:

“Hey I was messing around looking at the Salvado Mundi online last night and I think I found a clue…meet me at the restaurant ASAP.”

Next thing I knew I was huddled over Fracis laptop checking out this 500 year old painting.

Not just the regular painting…

But an inverted version of the painting that made it symmetrical. (LIKE THIS)

And when he did that, he discovered more hidden symbols that were not visible in the regular version.

He also noted that the “X” was at an interesting angle.

41.843 degrees to be exact.

So we wondered: what if this was a clue that leads us to the other vibrational frequency?

It was an exciting lead, but it still didn't make sense.

There’s no way those two numbers were the sound frequencies.

It just didn't make sense.

But as Francis pointed out, these were simply part of the “code.”

Da Vinci was far too intelligent to clever to simply reveal the abundance frequency so easily.

And one of things he overheard at the private billionaire party in Geneva…

Is that Da Vicni LOVED to use math equations.

And that there was some sort of math involved with deciphering the code.

Which isn't too surprising since he was known for his incredible abilities as a mathematician.

So, we found ourselves at a dead end again.

We knew cracking the “code” involved a math equation…

But we didn't know where to go from there.

It seemed like the “code” was unbreakable.

But then it hit me.

I remembered this one math professor at Notre Dame would always call me to his classroom to fix an IT problem.

It’s funny because this man was one of the most highly regarded mathematicians on the planet, but couldn't figure out how to work a damn projector!

Funny thing is we kinda became friends over the years, and he said if I ever needed a favor…

So I told Francis about the mathematician and we proposed to ask for help.

Maybe he could recognize a pattern or something.

Since Franics hadn't had any luck cracking the code himself, we figured… why not give it a shot?

So I reached out to the world-renowned mathematician at Notre Dame and asked if he could find any kind of pattern or code or anything.

And I’ll admit it, he looked at me like I was off my rocker at first.

But then said he loved solving puzzles, and agreed to take a look.

The next day I went back to the university to see what he’d found.

And he told me that he noticed a strange connection between the 2 numbers.

So he used a little-known math formula called The Cauchy-Riemann Equation.

And it gave him 2 very specific numbers…

Then he said something that gave me hope…

“These are perfect numbers for two converging sound frequencies…

I’ve never seen anything like it.”

I thanked him for his help and promised I’d report back to him soon.

Then Franics and I rushed to have the sound frequencies made up into audio tracks.

And we eagerly tried them out the next day.

Francis and I met up at the restaurant since it wouldn’t open for several hours and we could have the place to ourselves.

Since my mathematician buddy mentioned “converging frequencies”, we had the sound engineer make a digital audio track with both frequencies playing at the same time.

So for the next 3 days we listened to the audio track for hours each day.

And well, instead of receiving heaping amounts of abundance…

We seemed to actually experience a string of bad luck.

Franics had his nose broken breaking up a bar fight one night.

And had his entire tip jar was stolen another night.

And I wasn't faring much better.

I got a notice that I’d made a mistake on my taxes and the government was garnishing my wages

Which led to a string of overdraft fees that I definitely couldn't afford.

If you’ve ever been hit with those awful things you know they just dig your hole deeper and deeper..

Anyway, it was safe to say we had not reached the “Resonance Frequency”.

And at that point I was ready to give up on the whole thing.

I’d wasted all this time chasing some ancient mystery like I’m an overweight Indiana Jones or something.

What was I even thinking?!

I should've been figuring out a real way to make money.

I was starting to doubt the universe wanted to send me any abundance at all.

I told Francis I was done with the whole thing and we parted ways.

But three days later I got a text from Francis:

“Hey, I’ve got some major news on this Resonance Frequency thing.

We need to meet ASAP.”

And I’ll be honest I thought about blowing him off at first.

I’d already wasted enough time and energy on this and I needed to get back to the “real world.”

But deep down inside something was nagging at me.

And in the end I had to know what news Franics had.

So we met up later that night.

That’s where Franics told me he’d figured it out one day while mixing oil and vinegar for his salad.

He noticed how the oil and vinegar never actually mixed together even when you combined them.

He pointed out how we were listening to the two frequencies right on top of each other.

Maybe they don’t “mix” that way.

But then Francis had the idea to have each frequency made into a separate track.

And then listen to each track individually in each ear.

So his left ear was hearing one frequency and his right ear was hearing the other.

Combined but separate…

Kinda like the oil and vinegar.

And the results were unmistakable.

Almost immediately, things turned around for Francis.

The first night a mysterious patron left him a $500 tip after only having 2 beers.

The next day Francis' estranged son contacted him after not speaking for more than 10 years.

And just that morning, he unexpectedly received a settlement from a class actionlawsuit against a previous employer…

To the tune of $450,000!

So it was safe to say Franics had reached his Resonance Frequency.

I followed his instructions and started listening to the audio tracks for a few minutes each day.

And just like Francis, I experienced a life-altering change take place.

A few days after I started my “frequency ritual” I was promoted to the head of the IT department at Notre Dame!

Which meant I’d be making DOUBLE what I was paid previously.

A couple days later, I got a certified letter from an attorney.

At first I was fearful to open it, figuring I probably owed more debt or something.

Instead it informed me that my great-uncle had passed away…

And left me $788,000!

The crazy part is I didn't even know this great-uncle existed.

And to this day I have no idea why he left me that money.

But the greatest blessing of all came the next day.

My wife called and said she’d been thinking things over…

And that she wanted to give our marriage another shot.

And get this…

That was before I even told her about the promotion, my big pay raise, or that massive inheritance!

At that point there was no doubt in my mind…

I’d reached Resonance Frequency!

Now that I had my family back and the future was brighter than ever, there was just one question…

What do we do with this life-changing information?

First thing we did was share it with a few of our closest friends and family.

And one-by-one, abundance started flowing into their lives effortlessly

So eventually we realized we can't participate in the cover up of this power information…

We couldn’t be part the “elite circle” that hoarded wealth and abundance, desperate to keep it from others.

Leonardo had risked everything to “hide it in plain sight.”

Who were we to cover it back up?

The universe intended for us to use it to enrich our lives…

AND to share it with the world.

So I’m honored to introduce you to the Da Vinci Manifestation Code.

It’s the only audio frequency on the planet that effortlessly triggers Resonance Frequency…

Allowing you manifest limitless abundance into your life effortlessly.

Seriously, there’s no work involved!

All you have to do is pop in a set of earbuds or headphones and listen to this digital audio for 10 minutes a day.

That’s it!

Knowing what we know now, it’s crazy to think about all the things I’ve tried in the past that got me nowhere.

Trying to use the “law of attraction”...which of course is just a load of B.S.

Driving Uber on the weekends hoping I’ll be able to save up enough to actually make a difference in my life.

(Unless you’ve got 20 years to save up I don't recommend that route.)

Affirmations, Astrological readings, journaling, college…

None of that got me anywhere.

Which is kind of ironic.

As I look back, I realize that I was desperately CHASING abundance…

But The Da Vinci Manifestation Code allows abundance to flow to you naturally with absolutely zero effort…

Just the way the universe intended.

Which is why I’m so excited to share The Da Vinci Manifestation Code with you today.

Because I’ve been through it my friend.

I KNOW how hard it is.

And it makes it even worse knowing this simple but powerful manifestation secret has been hidden from the public all these years.

But today you can join the thousands of other men and women who've changed the course of their lives thanks to The Da Vinci Manifestation Code.

Just like Jamie from Dallas, TX:

“I always had the gut feeling that the ancient Egyptians had a wealth secret. But holy cow, I wasn't expecting this! All I do is listen to The Da Vinci Manifestation Code for 10 minutes each morning while drinking my coffee. Needless to say I quit my job at Costco after I became a multi-millionaire. And I never thought I’d live in Hawaii but here I am and life has never been better.”

Or Thomas from Chicago, IL:

“Honestly I’d given up on life as a divorced truck driver buried in debt. But after being lonely and miserable for 8 years, I married my soulmate (who’s way out of my league.) Plus I don't have to worry about the stress of driving a truck anymore since I won a couple hundred grand on a lotto ticket. I used that to start my own trucking company and now we live in a mansion on the lake! I’m forever grateful to my friend for showing me The Da Vinci Manifestation Code”

And then there’s Janet from Salem, OR:

“Something always told me that we had the power to manifest abundance inside of us. Finally The Da Vinci Manifestation Code has proven me right! I was a server at Olive Garden bearing scraping by for years. Now I travel the world staying a luxury hotels and eating at the finest restaurants having someone serve me for a change! All I have to say is let the universe give you the abundance it has instore for you. I promise your life will be better than you ever imagined.”

One reason why everyone loves The Da Vinci Manifestation Code so much?

It’s just so simple to use.

Again all you have to do is pop in a set of earbuds or headphones for 10 mins a day.

That’s it.

The Da Vinci Manifestation Code automatically triggers your Resonance Frequency.

Just like it did for me, Francis, and the hundreds of others who’ve transformed their lives effortlessly.

But I do have to warn you about something right now.

I’m not sure how much longer this website will be on the internet.

There are certain people who are furious about this being leaked to the public.

I tell you this because once you leave this webpage I can't guarantee you you’ll have the opportunity you get the Da Vinci Manifestation Code again.

So if you think there’s even a chance that you want to give The Da Vinci Manifestation Code a shot…

Make sure you claim your copy of The Da Vinci Manifestation Code before you leave this page today.

And I just want to be clear about something.

This isn't about me.

So while loads of people have told me to sell this for upwards of $4,000…

I have no interest in making a profit on this.

I’m already wealthy beyond my wildest dreams.

My family is happy and healthy.

I don’t need anything else.

But I do feel like I was put on the earth to spread this message.

You and I both know you landed on this page for a reason today…

The universe did not lead you here by accident.

So I’m not going to shake you down for a bunch of money so you can enjoy the abundance the universe has in store for you.

All I ask is that you pitch in $250 - $39, just to cover the production costs and help pay the employees that work for The Da Vinci Manifestation Code.

Original Price: $250

Today Only For: $39

And while that is shockingly good deal, don't be fooled.

This program is extremely powerful and will change the very course of your life.

I just want to get this out to as many people as possible before this website gets shut down.

(Which will probably be real soon now.)

So make sure you take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity the universe is giving you.

All you have to do is hit the big order button below.

Original Price: $250

Today Only For: $39

When you do, you arrive on our 100% safe and secure checkout page where you’ll fill out your order info.

And once you hit the “submit” button my team will send you an email with access to your digital audio track.

(Your email should arrive in about 5-10 minutes.)

Which means you save another $12.99 since we don’t have to ship a package to your home.

But that’s not all you’ll get when you place your order for The Da Vinci Manifestation Code today.

Because I’ve decided to throw in a few extras for you today.

Just think of them as “bonuses” for taking action when the universe gave you this opportunity.

BONUS #1 - It's called the“Da Vinci Sleep Frequency.”

Look, scientific research continues to pour in - and it’s conclusive.

The most powerful key to an abundant, vibrantly alive day…

Begins the night before.

So Francis and I worked with top sleep researchers and audio engineers to create a proprietary “Sleep Frequency”.

It translates Da Vinci’s Resonance Frequency into a night-time audio that primes you for optimal sleep.

That way you can get to sleep fast - and STAY asleep all night…

So your mind, and sprint are primed for the day ahead.

You’re going to feel amazing every single morning.

You are absolutely going to love it…

And it’s completely free when you place your order today.

BONUS #2 - It's called the “Da Vinci Energy Clearing Frequency.”

The more consistently you use Da Vinci’s prime frequency…

The more aware you’ll become of disturbances in your personal vibration.

You remember how we’re bombarded with all that frequency pollution, right?

This short and simple audio is designed as a “tune up” - to clear away negative energy and frequency pollution.

Simply slip your headphones or ear buds in any time you start to feel a little “off” - or triggered - or heavy - or like you’re not fully connected to your heart.

This powerful audio helps clear away negative energy and restores your heart energy.

It’s so quick and easy.

It’s the ultimate life-saver - and you’re going to love it.

BONUS #3 - It's called the"Da Vinci Mood Frequency".

This custom audio is designed to be played first thing in the morning.

Play it when you’re getting ready or making your morning coffee or tea.

Play it when you’re in the shower or making breakfast.

See, the latest neurological science is proving that we can target brain chemicals with specific audio frequencies.

And The Da Vinci Mood Frequency is constructed to target the release of Dopamine - aka, the “Happy Hormone.”

What better way to start the day than with a rush of happy hormone flowing through your body?

Your life will never be the same - all thanks to The Da Vinci Mood Frequency.

So to recap, that’s a total of 3 life-changing bonus frequencies worth $121…

And they’re all FREE when you place your order today.

Original Price: $250

Today Only For: $39

While that’s a no-brainer deal in itself, I’m going to take it a step further.

Because when you place your order on this website today…

I’m going to guarantee your results with a 365-day, 100% money back guarantee.

That means you get an entire year to take The Da Vinci Manifestation Code on a test drive.

If you're not satisfied with your experience, I'll refund you every penny, no questions asked.

But if you're like the thousands of people who tried The Da Vinci Manifestation Code before you…

Your life will be 100X better once you can manifest abundance into your life effortlessly.

I’ve decided to shoulder all the risk here so I can get this out to as many people as possible before this page is shut down.

(Which probably won't be long.)

So click the order button below to try The Da Vinci Manifestation Code 100% risk-free.

I’ve really put a lot of thought into making this an easy decision for you right now.

And this was as much of a “no-brainer” offer I could come up with.

So you’ve got nothing to lose and the world to gain.

Go ahead and click that button now so you can get started right away.

Look, you're at a crossroads right now.

I know you probably didn't wake up this morning expecting to be here.

But the universe doesn't make mistakes.

Right now you have a choice to make.

You can ignore everything revealed to you today and keep doing what you've been doing.

But I can promise you you’ll keep getting the same results.

And if you’re honest with yourself…

You’ll admit that if you were truly happy with your current situation… Then you wouldn't be still reading this presentation.

But now you know life doesn't have to be this way.

Besides, we both know you landed here for a reason today.

And with the knowledge you have now, why wouldn't you give the other path a shot?

The one filled with unlimited abundance.

Besides, the fact that you're even here right now, is proof that you're open to trying something different.

And that something is The Da Vinci Manifestation Code.

So click the button below right now to get started.

Your future self thanks you ;)

Original Price: $250

Today Only For: $39

Frequently asked questions

A: This is NOT based on the law of attraction! This is a scientifically proven method that help you reach your resonance frequency. And in the end, science is just proving what the ancient Egyptians and Leonardo Da Vinci have known for centuries!

A:  We use the most trusted 3rd-party service for your digital orders. They use 256-bit encryption technologies using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).  Which means your info is 100% secure backed by the best technology available today.

A:  When you say “yes” to the The Da Vinci Manifestation Code today, you are doing so 100% risk-free.  Because I’m giving you an entire year to decide if you're happy with your results or not.  If at any time in the next 365 days you feel that your life has not improved drastically… simply email our support team at [email protected] and we’ll refund 100% of your investment on the spot.

A: Well every person is different, so the answer isn't the same for everybody. Some have experienced massive results as soon as the 1st day. Others have taken months to fully activate . I recommend using it every day for a full month before getting too worried about it.

Original Price: $250

Today Only For: $39


The content on this website, including any products or services offered, is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Users are advised to consult a healthcare professional for medical advice and not to rely solely on the information provided on the site. The information presented is based on the author's opinions and is offered as-is without any guarantees. Users should conduct their own research and consult health professionals before adopting any health-related recommendations.

Testimonials that discuss measurable results have the testimonialists' consent for posting, along with a disclosure about generally expected results. Similarly, subjective opinion testimonials are also posted with permission, ensuring they reflect the honest viewpoints of the testimonialists.